
Sunday, August 25, 2019

It's a New Day—Rebirth of a Blog

I read my first blog entry written in 2012 and decided that it was a pretty good reason to get back at it. I will admit that I never imagined the changes that I'd go through in the last 7 years. Today as I write again, I can now say I am 65, retired, Amma (Grandmother) to two little ones and a widow. It also reminded me of a quote I embraced:

"Enjoy the life you have, even though it may not be the life you planned."

Here's my first post to this blog in 2012 (still relevant today):

Today I turn 58, born March 15th, 1954, the Ides of March.

And so today, this blog is also born.

For more than two years, I have blogged—a journey of weight loss to health. 40 pounds gone and working on the last 10. I’ll go into that in another post because my timeline of life has become much more than losing weight.

As I blogged away, I realized there was a bunch of other stuff rolling around in my brain. Losing weight, I discovered was not about losing the pounds. There was so much more to why I let myself get fat in the first place and blogging helped bring out some of the demons — and also some serious reflection.

I have a dear friend who I met on-line. No, not a dating site. She was one of my weightloss buddies who also blogged and I so enjoyed her writing. In early 2011 she suffered the tremendous loss of her husband and the rawness of her pain could be felt through cyberspace. We later met in person and it was as if we had been friends forever.

As I watched her pick herself up from the ashes and move forward, it inspired me to rethink where I was in life and where I wanted to go. I had been focusing on weight loss issues for so long and like a light-bulb moment, came to realize my life was much more than losing weight. She might not know it but through her re-invention this past year, I too have dug deep to see what really is important. In one of her posts she spoke of trying to put together the puzzle of her life and I guess that too is where I am.

But it was one of her quotes that started my brain change:
"All I can tell you is that it’s important to look at your life and figure our where you are and what truly makes you happy... "
To which someone responded: 
"Enjoy the life you have, even though it may not be the life you planned."

The Winds of Change

Over the last few months, as I lost interest in blogging about weight loss, or actually no weight-loss, what I ate each day, how I measured food, cooked the food, ate the food...

I connected with so many others through our various blogs and even met a bunch of them in person. They are my forever peeps who I adore and love for always being there.

But a funny thing happened as time moved on. A few of these bloggers whose blogs inspired me, dropped out and stopped posting. I have kept in touch in other ways (Facebook, e-mail), but I think they too found it hard to keep saying the same old stuff over and over again. It became a chore. It wasn't why I had started blogging and it turned my thinking into what I want to do to make the best of the rest of MY days.

Which spawned the blog name. And a wind. For change.

The photo at the top of my blog is from a picture I took in Varadero, Cuba a few years ago. I kept waiting for the people to leave the beach but it didn't happen. And the sun kept going down. Now with cropping I see I captured one lone soul walking the beach into the sunset. It could just as easily be someone walking into a sunrise. Take your pick. I'm still trying to figure out if I am winding down or just getting my second wind in life.

This blog will grow (or collapse from neglect). I do it for me but if you can gain any insight from it, please follow along. There will be bits and pieces of This and That. Some Flotsam and some Jetsam. What I do know is that I am still a work in progress. I haven't yet figured out "What I want to be when I grow up".

But what I have learned over the years have led me to this point. I really haven't had a master plan. I find blogging is a bit of a GPS to help me get to where I'm going. Although the final destination has not been decided nor what I will do along the way. Will I take detours and side tracks? Will I go where the wind blows me?

Then again, it might be best to throw away all the devices and just experience an unplanned, uncharted journey for the Rest of My Days.

Sometimes you won’t know until you take that first step.

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Beth Ann said...

Love it!

Theresa aka Tessie Rose said...

I've been struggling too, with the same ol same ol. Good for you, I'm anxious to see where this leads you. Happy Birthday!!!

speck said...

Happy Birthday Sandy! I look forward to your new blog.


shareandconnect said...

What a beautiful photo!

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